
Enabling works for Gilston underway

20 December 2024 | Local News

A spokesperson for Places for People said:  “With the enabling works for Gilston underway, residents will see an increased level of activity in the coming months across Eastwick Road and the recently-renamed Fifth Avenue – Zelenskyy Avenue sections of the A414. Places for People is undertaking limited tree, scrub and vegetation clearance in accordance with the approved planning permissions for the Stort Crossing improvements, with work commencing in early January and concluding after six to eight weeks.


“In addition to protecting mature trees with TPOs (tree preservation orders), we have run a detailed report on the area impacted and we anticipate no more than 35 low-quality Category C trees will be affected as a result of these works. For safety precautions, this activity will result in temporary road closures, with limited disruption to the local environment beyond the noise of moving plant and machinery.


“Although there will be limited temporary lane closures during this time, the enhancements will enable the delivery of an additional two lanes north and south, a six-lane interchange and new junctions, helping to significantly improve traffic flow through Harlow and the surrounding areas. The works will also bring forward new sustainable transport routes, comprising new cycle paths, a bridge over the River Stort and improved footpaths.


 “As part of these initial clearance works, we have worked closely with landowner stakeholders along the route, including Harlow Council, Essex County Council, Network Rail, the Land Restoration Trust and the Canal & Rivers Trust.”




If you have any questions regarding these investigation works, then please do get in touch either by calling the dedicated Freephone number 0800 148 8911 (Monday – Friday 9am-5:30pm) or by emailing gilston@meeting-place.uk.

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