
Education provision

We have adapted the level of education provision proposed for Gilston Park Estate to enable a larger secondary school to be built, as well as ensuring a primary school place for every child.

These changes respond directly to Hertfordshire County Council’s aspirations as the local education authority.

We propose to expand the ‘education zone’ in Village 1, which will enable a larger secondary school to be built at Gilston Park Estate if it is needed. Expanding this area north, to the boundary of Gilston Park, and further west would also ensure the new secondary school has direct, safe access to playing fields at Gilston Park.

Because the schools in Village 1 would have priority access to these playing fields, we have proposed more community sports pitches within the Airfield Park. School pitches and sports facilities would be also be available for community use when there is availability, like at weekends, for example.

Original proposals for four primary schools, and two “reserve” primary sites, have been changed to enable a new facility to be provided in each of the six villages if they are needed. We will work with Hertfordshire County Council to track the number of homes being built and understand who is living in them so that we can plan when and where the school places are needed.

An Education Review Group involving Places for People and the local authorities will oversee this work. Future members of this group are already working closely together to ensure the outline planning application includes the right commitments on education.